William and Catherine entered the pub – the Prince was immediately ushered behind the counter

William and Catherine represented together in London’s Soho.

William and Catherine happily greeted citizens in Soho. PDO

Prince William and Princess Catherine of Wales met citizens on the streets of London on Thursday 4 May. The representation is part of the coronation of King Charles, which takes place on Saturday at Westminster Abbey.

After greeting the citizens, William and Catherine went to the Dog and Duck pub, located in the narrow streets of London’s Soho district.

Prince William and Princess Catherine arrived at the pub by tube. PDO

Prince William also got to show off his bartending skills when he was asked to pour a pint of beer. Tuoppi was aptly called the “kingmaker”, i.e. the Finnish kingmaker.

Prince William downed a beer from the tap. PDO

BBC-news site says that Prince William and Princess Catherine traveled to Soho on the Elisabet subway line. The subway line in question is named after the late queen.

The purpose of the pub visit was to show support for restaurant workers during the coronation.

– The best possible conversations always take place in a pub… Everyone is so relaxed. You never know who you’re going to meet, Prince William said during a visit to the pub.

Princess Catherine represented in a red jacket dress. PDO

William also told the people in the pub about his family. He mentioned in particular that his son Prince George is particularly excited about the upcoming coronation.

Princess Catherine had chosen a red dress for the pub visit, which was decorated with buttons from the collar to the hem.

Prince William’s style was exceptionally relaxed, because instead of a traditional suit, he had chosen to wear a dark jacket and a blue collared shirt. The top buttons of the shirt had been left open, and there was no information about the tie.

This was by no means the first time celebrity guests have been seen at the Dog and Duck pub. For example, the artist Madonna has visited the same pub during her career.

The narrow streets of Soho were full of citizens who wanted to hold the prince and princess and take pictures together. PDO
