Willi Orban does not play for RB Leipzig to save a life

02/11/2023 at 20:37


The captain of the ‘bulls’ donated bone marrow on February 8 and this has forced him to stop for ten days

The club and the fans of RB Leipzig have supported their player and in what way

Willi Orban has shown, with a gesture that magnifies him, that not everything is football for the players. Against Unión Berlín, the RB Leipzig captain should have been on the green to play the game since he did not suffer any injury or carry any sanction. However, Orban was unable to sit even on the bench. The reason? The player had been a bone marrow donor exactly three days ago, forcing him to spend ten days without being able to do physical activity.

It all goes back to 2017, when Willi Orban registered with the DKMS, the German national registry for bone marrow donors. Since then, the captain of the ‘bulls’ could be called at any time to become a donor for a compatible patient. And so it has been. Six years later, this February, a patient with blood cancer needed his help and Orban did not hesitate to do everything possible to save his life.

Since last Saturday he has been receiving injections to increase the number of cells in his blood and on February 8th he finished the treatment by making the donation. In this way, Willi Orban “forgot” about football for a few days and, since the 8th, he must be without physical activity to finish recovering from the donation.

That is why Orban has not been able to be with his teammates today in the duel against Union Berlin. Far from wondering why he had made that decision knowing that he couldn’t help the team, RB Leipzig and their fans have supported the cause from the very beginning.
