Willem Engel again arrested for violating the release conditions

Virus truth leader Willem Engel was arrested again on Sunday because he did not comply with his imposed suspension conditions. Which reports the Public Prosecution Service. Engel was released on Wednesday after being arrested for “incitement on Twitter and Facebook”. reported the court of Rotterdam.

Engel was released on the condition that he would no longer make any statements on social media. According to the court, he himself put this condition on. However, on Friday evening, the prominent corona skeptic could be seen in a broadcast from the Youtube channel Café Weltschmerz. In it, he talked to lawyer Jeroen Pols and talked about his arrest, among other things.

incendiary messages

A spokesperson for the Public Prosecution Service can NRC did not confirm whether Engel’s arrest is related to his performance in the video. He does say that not being allowed to post online messages is only one of the nine suspension conditions.

Engel criticized the corona policy for a long period in the messages that were incendiary, according to the Public Prosecution Service. He also shared conspiracy theories about the virus and the side effects of corona vaccines. According to the Public Prosecution Service, these messages have incited others to commit criminal offences.
