Will: who is the young singer of Sanremo

Stwe will go Young 2023, thanks to the song The most important things, has opened the doors to the Olympus of Big for him. And now he, Will – stage name of William Busetti, 23 years old – wants to play his chance well. Originally from the province of Treviso, Will brings the song to the Ariston stage Stupid.

“For me Sanremo is history, that’s a lot of beautiful music», declared the young singer. «We hope it will be a wonderful experience, a place where learn a lot of things but also to discover myself a little. In the sense of discover new parts of meshow me things that they haven’t seen each other yet».

Among the many other emotions, there will be that of «seeing live even Italian song legends such as Giorgia, Mengoni and many others that I respect immensely. An honor to share the stage with them».

It says, of course, “very excitedbut ready to be overwhelmed by all the emotions of this Sanremo Festival 2023. Let’s say that now I feel sereneI did the first tests at the Ariston and it was agiant emotioneverything went well and this reassures me ».

Surely “a hair of healthy tension will begin to rise, of course it is. But I I’m ready and can’t wait to sing in Sanremo!».

The duet with Michele Zarrillo

On duet night, Will will perform with Michael Zarrillo and his Five days. “I am honored to be able to sing Five daysit’s a song I’ve been attached to since I was very young and that we’ve always breathed at home, it’s one of my family’s favorite songs“, has explained. Below, with Michele Zarrillo.

When Will expressed a desire to sing and duet with Zarrillohe «joined immediately with enthusiasm and I am delighted. I can’t even imagine what it will be for me to sing with him that eveningI just know that I will try to honor this song letting myself be carried away by emotion, hoping the vibes will come».

Five daysfor him, «is a monument in the repertoire of Italian songI want to give my all.”

How Will prepares for Sanremo

In the days leading up to the Festival, Will has «studied a lot And I stay focused despite the a thousand activities including rehearsals, singing lessons to be prepared, promotion and much more».

To stay clear-headed, he also tried «to carve out a little time for physical activity and for download adrenaline dividing myself between the gym and a little running. Sport also helps you prepareI am sure”.

The meaning of Stupid for Will

Stupid, the song that leads to the competition, «it’s a song that I’ve kept for a while. I wrote it about a year ago. It was a little different than usual. I hope it reaches all people».

Previously, he continues, «it went a lot among the younger artists sing hate. But I think we should broadcast positive feelings. The song tells about love stories and plots in which we are lost and found. Love, for the emotions it feeds you at certain times of the day when you stop to think, it makes you feel small and in others it makes you feel like a giant».

Stupid it also wants to be a slogan: «You mustn’t be afraid of expressing one’s emotions and fragility. The important thing is always act authentically and true even if in some moments we may seem stupid».

For the singer, it is «a piece where everyone can relate. In fact, it has happened to many of us at least once in the life of feel stupiddoing stupid things even for love».

The main theme revolves around «the multiple declinations and facets of loveunderstood in its most universal sense”.

Singer Will, competing in Sanremo. (IPA)

Will’s love of music

For Will, music is a essential element of life. “It makes me feel stronger in my weaknesses: I sing because I’m looking for a freer way to express myself, I need to feel myself in another way, in a possibly better way».

Below, as a child

That’s why it has very early started to move in this area: since high school he begins to write his own lyrics and publish his singles on You Tube, inspired by Italian rap songs.

In 2020 his first platinum record arrives with Summera song that draws inspiration from the poignant Someone You Loved by Lewis Capaldi and who gets beyond 30 million plays on Spotify.

That same year he participates in the selections of X Factor, conducted by Alessandro Cattelan – and with the judges Hell Raton, Emma Marrone, Manuel Agnelli and Mika – Then releases his first EP, Who I really am (under).

On December 16, Sanremo Giovani opens the doors of the Bigwhere we find it now.

The future for Will

And after the Sanremo Festival? Stupid «it will accompany us quite a bit, the unreleased disc will certainly come out and a in-store tours to meet the public”.

He will return to concerts in May, because «live size is my favorite. Seeing the people who support you up close and hearing them sing with you at the top of their voice is something that remains in your heart. it repays you for all the work in the studio and the sacrifices you’ve made».

For Will, concerts are the real «litmus test for an artist, without the public an artist is not an artist, we owe everything to their warmth and the support they give us». Everything but Stupid.

