Will the outdoor play Etstoel in Anloo come to an end after 35 years?

The Etstoel in Anloo is under pressure. After 35 years, the popular outdoor game is in danger of disappearing because there are not enough volunteers to help with the preparations. The Magnus Church in the village is also in trouble because of this.

The proceeds of the 17th century open-air game go to the Magnus Church. “And a lot has to be done at the Magnus Church,” says Janny Scholten of the Etstoel Anloo Foundation. For example, maintenance must be carried out on the roof and the organs in the church. “That costs a lot of money.”

The Etstoel is a major crowd puller every year. Sessions are held in the church on the third Saturday of August and there is a market outside. The foundation has enough volunteers for the day itself. “Hundreds, but it’s getting more and more difficult for the preparations. Building and repairing the costumes, we need new workers for that. Our volunteers are a day older and it’s time for a new generation. But that doesn’t present itself .”

Throughout the year, the construction team is ‘busy with all sorts of things’, says Scholtens. “But the focus is on 4 weeks prior to the open-air game. We need people with energy for that, people who want to pull the cart. Now it mainly falls on the shoulders of the board. We are not succeeding in getting this under way. to keep.”

It is difficult to say how many volunteers are needed. “The more souls, the merrier. In the past we had groups of 20 to 30 people. But people are now retiring later and are busy. Then you don’t get numbers like that so quickly.”

According to Scholtens, maintaining the Etstoel is not just a matter for the village of Anloo. “We have many actors from villages such as Annen and Eext, and people come from all over the region. We therefore also call on villages around us to come up with plans to ensure that this is not lost.”

The foundation has given itself until December 13 to recruit new volunteers. If it is not successful by then, the plug will be pulled from the event.
