Will Smith hits Chris Rock on the Oscars stage over a joke about his wife Jada

Will Smith like Ali – his 2001 film. This is the scene a few minutes after the announcement of the Best Actor.

It happened that, having arrived on stage to present the award to Best Documentarylater won by Summer of Soul by Questlove, Chris Rock he wasted no time making bursts of jokes. But the one launched in the direction of Jada Pinkett Smith – taking advantage of its well-known alopecia – has had a sensational effect.

Jada, I love ya. GI Joe 2can’t wait to see it“(Jada, I love you, GI Joe 2I can not wait to see it). GI Joe is a historical line of toys based on action figures, some of which are bald.

Hearing the joke Jada rolled her eyes in an attitude of unbearable boredom; immediately after the camera filmed Will Smith as he walked towards Chris Rock.

A matter of seconds e the actor gave the comedian a loud slap. Who, surprised, reacted all in all in a composed way, commenting on the gesture with a “Wow! Will Smith just hit me hard“. Something prepared between the two? Far from it.

Chris Rock and Will Smith after the slap. (Getty Images)

Once back seated in his chair, Will pointed out in colorful words to Rock – motionless on stage and stunned – to take his wife’s name out of his mouth: “Keep my wife’s name out of your fu ***** mouth!”

“I will” (I’m going to)the comedian’s almost whispered reply.

Glacial silence al Dolby Theater, with the reading of the nominations carried out with difficulty by Chris. Seeing as Smith was named as Best Actor for Role in A winning family – where he plays the not exactly easy-going father of Serena and Venus Williams – and that in a few minutes it would be known if he would win: everything took on a Shakespearean vibe.

will smith Oscar 2022 rock

Bradley Cooper comforts Will Smith. (Getty Images)

With the Oscar in handconquered in the end as predicted, Will’s speech of thanks Smith veered into the importance of the family, and its defense. A mix of tones and topics in which they overlapped reality and filmic fantasy (based on reality anyway). Almost a cathartic act and a balance of great suffering.

Deadline wrote that the two would then clear up backstage, with Denzel Washington acting as peacemaker. Photos published by the agencies show instead Bradley Cooper and Tyler Perry approach Will to calm him down.

will smith Oscar 2022 a winning family slaps Chris rock

With the Oscar for “A winning family”. (Getty Images)

Will Smith and the long feud with Chris Rock

There has been rust between the Smiths and Rocks since 2016. starting right from the Oscars of that year, presented by Rock and characterized by a small boycott of actors due to the lack of diversity. Among them Will and Jada.

The joke at the time always turned around to Jada went like this: “Jada [Pinkett Smith] boycotting the Oscars it’s a bit like I’m boycotting Rihanna’s panties, since she’s never invited me there. “

Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith

Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith on the red carpet of the 2022 Oscars. (Getty Images)

Another dig was aimed at Smith: “It’s not fair that Will is so good and not named. It is also unfair that Will did it paid $ 20 million to shoot Wild Wild West! ” (That is, to make a film which later turned out to be a deadly flop).

In any case, a testament to this long series of frictions Smith’s disproportionate gesture remains, who reacted to even a heavy joke by beating worldwide. Taking the Oscars like a cabaret show with a bad stand-up comic. Role indeed played perfectly by Chris Rock.

