Will Pluto in 2024 bring us a more just world?

LThe Greek deity Hades, “the invisible”, god of the underworld, was venerated in Rome with the name of Pluto“the rich guy”, according to some the richness that the earth holds in its bowels, according to others for the quantity of subjects over whom he had power in the afterlife. In astronomy it is a “dwarf planet”, so small that it even surpasses the Moon in size. In astrology he is the great renovator: “planet of the unconscious, stellar psychoanalystinvestigator of hidden desires”, as our Francesca Tumiati defines him (in her 2024 Horoscope).

The horoscope for the year 2024, on video

Many will smile at the word astrology. Although the environmental crisis is proving that everything is interconnected, as the ancients believed. Despite the psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung argued that the twelve signs of the zodiac constitute a compendium of personality“archetypes” that populate the collective unconscious: “The planets are the gods, the symbols of the powers of the unconscious”.

I have never resisted the charm of myths, stars and depth psychology, especially when intertwined: I like the idea that we breathe to the rhythm of the cosmos, that everything holds togetherthat there are inclinations that come from afar, born together with us. It’s not about believing. Just listen and reflect.

Danda Santini, director of iO Donna

In 2024 Pluto will enter the sign of Aquarius, after 248 yearsto remain there until 2043. It had been missing since the second half of the eighteenth century, when it brought with it the Industrial Revolution, the French Revolution and American independence. And therefore progress, rights and emancipation. What to expect? Astrologers are imaginativeand for this reason it is nice to imagine the future with them.

Pluto’s influence promises to be dark, powerful and often invisible. Some have predicted that the use of artificial intelligence will spark a new industrial revolution, and this is plausible, with or without Pluto. Has anyone else read about the acceleration towards renewable energy of the coming years the influence of Pluto, which governs the bowels of the earth and the resources of the subsoil, where the health of the planet is at stake, and here we too have our fingers crossed. Someone went further and announced the end of patriarchy thanks to the association with Aquarius, a political, egalitarian sign, bearer of demands for justice and equality. This is why I can’t wait for Pluto to give a nod, even if his work will be slow, even if it won’t all happen tomorrow, and we are – rightfully – increasingly impatient when it comes to rights.

Not because we want to replace pink with blue, matriarchy with patriarchy. But why we have long dreamed of a healthier world, where we can work better, led by the good will of all. And, coincidentally, the color of the year will be a soft peach shade, genderless and subtly sensual, which inspires balance and kindness. Everything comes back, for those who want to hope well. Go Pluto! And best wishes to all of us from all of us.

