Will Linda de Mol stay with Jeroen Rietbergen? “Killing for her image!”

Linda de Mol is not only fond of opening suitcases on TV, she is also adept at it at home. Jeroen Rietbergen’s entire suitcase set has returned to Crailo. But is that sustainable?


Who could have imagined it a few years ago: TV queen Linda de Mol who has a love affair with someone who is being prosecuted for rape. She is currently trying again with Jeroen Rietbergen, the man who, as band leader of The Voice of Holland, would have crossed all boundaries with the young candidate Nienke Wijnhoven.

Head off

Opinions about Linda’s attitude are very divided. She refuses to talk to the media, has never really shown compassion for the victims of The Voice of Holland, but is now back at Jeroen’s side. Can this be reconciled with a career that stands or falls with the grace of the public?

Angela de Jong wonders publicly in the AD Media podcast. “I would say: my head can be taken off again, but the first question that came to my mind was: will Linda stay with him or not? I’m curious. And I think that’s a question more people have.”

Factored in

Her colleague Dennis Jansen, media journalist for the AD, cannot imagine that Linda did not take this into account. “Surely she will also realize this… I don’t say ‘calculated’, but they must have taken into account that it would lead to prosecution or not?”

He continues: “If you are going to investigate whether you still want a relationship with someone, don’t you also take into account that prosecution can be initiated or not?”

In therapy

Angela thinks that Linda will eventually claim that Jeroen has become a different person. “Well, in one of her statements she immediately called out that he was ill. Well, he’s been in therapy, so you can do that for yourself [goedpraten].”

Dennis thinks that Linda will just stay with Jeroen, despite the prosecution decision of the Public Prosecution Service. “I don’t think much depends on it.”

‘it kills’

Colleague Marcus den Blanken wonders whether the public will accept this from Linda. “I think she should know for herself. Suppose he is prosecuted… It is private for me, but it is for your image as a presenter killing that you are with such a person, but she should know that for herself.”

In any case, it will be another difficult year for Linda, according to Angela. “There will probably be a lawsuit coming up with a lot of details coming out in the open.”
