Will Klazienaveen soon have its own ‘Raadhuisplein’?

Other points for attention village plan 2.0:

Doing more with the Veenvaart

During the sailing season, holidaymakers regularly moor here, but there is little on offer in terms of facilities. A missed opportunity, according to the Haveka. A mooring facility, sanitary facilities and information provision near Klazienaveen is therefore a must.

Free parking up to the door is one of the building blocks of the shopping center’s success. The Haveka does not want to change that. Nevertheless, it would improve safety if drivers were informed about alternative parking areas via routing. Such as the Marktplein, which was renovated a few years ago, which is located just outside the core shopping area.

Earlier this year it was announced that a new residential shopping complex will be built near the old location of the Dordtse bridge: Bruin Goud. The Aldi is moving from its current location to this place. 23 apartments will be built on top of the supermarket. What impact does this have on visitor flows and does this need to be taken into account? The Regiobank close to this location is departing, the Haveka’s idea that the space that will become available would be ideal for catering.
