Will Jare Tiihonen lose his 100,000 euro bet?

Cheek returned completely unexpectedly.

Will Jare Tiihonen have to eat his words?

Followers of new Finnish music were surprised on Friday morning when they started listening to a rapper from Tampere Costin debut album released at night LIMBO.

With the album opener Intro-track you can hear a familiar-sounding statement at the very beginning. Behind the rough monologue is Cheek, i.e. Jare Tiihonen, who ended his career in 2018.

The lyrics recited by Tiihonen run in the song as follows:

The limbo you are in is the space between the present moment and your dreams. / A utopian view of the limitlessness of one’s own mind can drive one crazy. / The only way to get out of there is to concretize that vision. / Are you ready for what it takes? / Are you ready to sacrifice everything and do more than others? / If you can imagine it, it can be done.

But your entire focus must be directed to where you are going. / It’s gonna hurt. It might break you on the way. / Everything has a price, the coin has both sides. / That journey is not for everyone, and many leave it unfinished. / Who are you? Do you have what it takes? / Time will tell.

The authors of the song are listed as Costin ie Tuomas Kostiainen in addition, Jare Tiihonen, the singer of the band Kuumaa Johannes Brotherus and a musician and songwriter from Lahti Daniel Okas. The song was produced by Okas under his stage name Danitello. The publisher of Cost’s LIMBO album is, among others Ville Gallen and PME Records founded by Jare Brand.

Costi released his debut album on Friday. PME Records

The Liiga Music label owned by Jare Tiihonen is therefore not involved in the release of Costi’s debut album, so Tiihonen’s appearance on the opening track is an interesting surprise.

Less than a month ago, Liiga Music announced the collaboration with Sony Music, but Sony has nothing to do with the release of the LIMBO album either.

A hundred ton pull

In the spring of 2018, Cheek made a bet with Tuomas Enbuske in the Enbuske, Veitola & Salminen program, that in the next 15 years, he would not perform at any official concert for which admission tickets are sold. The bet was also huge: 100,000 euros.

– Tuomas, you give me 1,000 euros if I don’t perform in the next 15 years. If I perform, you will get a hundred tons, Tiihonen promised in a live TV broadcast more than four and a half years ago.

Now, when Tiihonen unexpectedly returned as part of a monologue to perform on Costi’s album, it remains to be seen whether Cheek will also end up at Costi’s concert to recite the lyrics of the Intro song.

In that case, Enbuske could suddenly be 100,000 euros richer.
