Will farmers demonstrate in The Hague on Thursday? Farmers Defense Force announces action

Farmers Defense Force wants to go to The Hague with tractors on Thursday to demonstrate. “The tractors are at the forefront of the battle,” said FDF foreman Mark van den Oever on Monday evening in Apeldoorn, where the farmers’ organization is meeting about the upcoming action.

Van den Oever says thousands of people are expected on Thursday.

“Motivation is high,” said the FDF foreman. According to him, this applies not only to farmers, but also to citizens. The House of Representatives will debate that day about the closure of the agricultural agreement.

FDF leaves to the participants themselves how the demonstrators want to get to The Hague with the tractors. “If only they come.” Van den Oever did not want to reveal exactly where FDF wants to demonstrate. Further details are still to be discussed, he said, and should become clear this week.

Two tractors were allowed to be present at a farmers’ protest in March in Zuiderpark in The Hague. For the rest, the municipality had banned vehicles in the city. Farmers who nevertheless tried to enter The Hague with the tractor were stopped by the police.
