Will bread also become more expensive due to war in Ukraine? † Inland

Since the start of the war in Ukraine, not only have energy prices soared, the price of wheat has also started to rise. At the moment, the price has already risen by 30 percent. As a result, everyday products, such as bread, could become considerably more expensive. Eddy Van Damme, chairman of Bakkers Vlaanderen, does state that we don’t have to worry too much for the time being. “For the time being, the price will not rise immediately. Currently, all silos are full of grain. So we can bridge a while. The flour mills are running at full speed. We have not yet received a signal that we will have shortages soon.”

“It remains to be seen when and by how much bread prices will rise, but if the millers have to buy new grain at a more expensive price soon, that will be passed on,” says Van Damme. The situation may change if the crisis continues, Van Damme reports.

“If grain exports from Ukraine and Russia don’t get going again, we may soon be faced with shortages. In that case, the flower price will rise. At the moment it is not clear how long we can bridge. Fortunately, we can rely more and more on Belgian grain.”
