Will Assassin’s Creed Rift be set in Baghdad? The spin-off with Basim

A new rumor seems to anticipate the setting and the protagonist of the next Assassin’s Creed, denying the Aztec track of the past few hours.

Counterorder. After the rumors of the past few hours, it would seem that the next Assassin’s Creed, after all, it is not intended to be Aztec themed. The rumor had come from a source believed to be reliable (he had anticipated the existence of Far Cry Primal some time ago), but is now being questioned by the well-known journalist Jason Schreier of Bloomberg. The American, who demonstrated a profound knowledge of Ubisoft’s business, had prompted the French company to prematurely reveal Infinity, the platform that, in the future, will collect the experiences related to the Assassins’ house.

Assassin’s Creed Rift in Baghdad? –

Already in recent months, Schreier had anticipated that, before Infinity, it would soon be the turn of Assassin’s Creed Rift (code name), a sequel or in any case a spin-off of Valhalla starring Basim. The reporter confirmed this thesis, specifying that the title would be set in Baghdad, and explained that – according to the information in his possession – there would be no Aztec Assassin’s Creed in the pipeline. “The next AC is Rift, which is set in Baghdad”, has explained Schreier. “After that there will be AC ​​Infinity and while this will include a handful of different games / experiences / biomes / whatever you want to call them, I’ve heard of the two. [capitoli] principal and neither of them are Aztecs ”.

The future of the saga –

In short, a clear cut of the rumor of yesterday, which could leave the fans of Assassin’s Creed dry who were already looking forward to an adventure in present-day Mexico, between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries. Jason Schreier’s resume speaks for him, which would lead us to believe more in his reconstruction than in the previous one, but all the details – or at least a good part – about the future of the series will be revealed in September. Ubisoft has in fact announced that it will hold an event to illustrate what will happen shortly thereafter in its millionaire action adventure saga, although it is not clear whether or not this will be disconnected from the Ubisoft Forward scheduled for on September 10th.

July 14, 2022 (change July 14, 2022 | 12:54)
