Will AI become a big topic in sports?

According to researchers, the use of artificial intelligence is becoming more important for athletes and clubs.

“We see great potential in the field of sports and training science through the use of AI,” said sports scientist Michael Fröhlich from the Technical University of Kaiserslautern to the German Press Agency.

“When processing data in clubs, applications can provide helpful information about team structure, injury probabilities and overload of athletes,” added the expert. AI is considered a future-oriented technology and is already being used in everyday life. The aim is to create computer systems that have human-like abilities.

The new technologies would provide enormous amounts of data – the handling and interpretation for coaches and athletes is challenging. “Artificial intelligence can help to structure data, show abnormalities and reduce the amount of data so that people can deal with it better,” said sports scientist Carlo Dindorf from the TU Kaiserslautern, who, together with Fröhlich and other colleagues, will soon be publishing a book on the subject of AI published in sports.

At the same time, both scientists warned of risks and problems. In addition to manufacturers who advertise apps without AI with AI and thus deceive consumers, there are rather small data sets in sports in contrast to other areas such as image recognition processes. “And that’s a problem because artificial intelligence is data-hungry,” said Dindorf, adding: “Sports institutions need to be brought together more to create large data landscapes.”
