Wilhelmina Hospital Assen has a new day center: ‘Extremely getting used to’

The Wilhelmina Hospital Assen (WZA) has a new day center. An important advantage is that patients no longer enter the operating room on a bed, but can stay in the ‘lounge’ in their own clothes with a loved one, awaiting the operation.

After the patient is called, he or she can walk to the operating room. Then comes the moment of changing into special surgical clothing and finally the operation. “They feel like themselves for as long as possible and patients for as short a time as possible,” explains manager Gea de Jonge.

The day center is in use for the first time today. “It turned out very nice,” says De Jonge. “Everything is new, clean and spacious and the atmosphere is different. I am very happy and a proud woman.”

Previously, surgical patients were admitted through two departments, but now they follow one route to the same day center. “They take a seat in the reception room, a friendly living room. Together with the family, the patient waits until it is his turn. The patient walks to the operating room, no longer in a bed. Until then, the family stays with them. A big change .”

The new design also seems to be well received by patients, De Jonge notes. “A lady already said: ‘I really like this’. I think people’s feelings are much more pleasant, because you stay in your own clothes for as long as possible and at the end you go to the department.”

WZA employees still have to get used to the adjusted working method. “Everyone is out of their comfort zone,” De Jonge notes. “A new department requires new work processes, such as new walking routes and items that are located elsewhere. It is fun and busy, but it also takes a lot of getting used to for everyone. But that is part of it,” she adds.
