Wilfred Genee shoots out at studio guest: ‘So incredibly arrogant!’

In response to the revelations about the misconduct of Matthijs van Nieuwkerk, Wilfred Genee has asked himself whether he has ever made a mistake. Yes, admits the presenter.

© SBS 6

The misconduct of Matthijs van Nieuwkerk puts Hilversum on edge: some celebrities get incredibly stuffy – they have similar traits – and editors realize at the same time that they no longer have to remain silent. What about Wilfred Genee, Talpa’s most successful presenter?

Wilfred without stress

Wilfred has a very busy work schedule for celebrities, but he says he is not overworked. “I don’t really know stress, but I’ve seen enough fellow presenters who were so worked up for a broadcast that they couldn’t eat anymore. ‘What are you worrying about’, I would think”, he says to it AD.

Some colleagues are blowing it all up a lot, says Wilfred. “If things go wrong, just say so. That’s fine, isn’t it possible?”


Certainly in recent years, Wilfred has been very mild. “I know that at the beginning of my career, say until I was 30, I was very ambitious and then spoke up. Was I more difficult. But even at that time I didn’t feel like I was very extreme. I think I’ve been angry about three times in the last twenty, twenty-five years.”

At one point, he was shot out of his head. “I asked Wieke, our make-up artist with whom I have worked for fifteen years. She remembered a girl from a beauty pageant who joined Tour du jour. He was so incredibly arrogant that I would have said, ‘Hello? Contact? What are we doing?’ The only time, Wieke said.”


Beau van Erven Dorens likes what Wilfred is doing here. “If there is something that emerges well from this cesspool, I think, it is that everyone consults themselves,” he said in his own talk show. “The presenters too, because we all create monsters.”

He continues: “People like me are all slowly becoming monsters. The editors too, like: we don’t have to put up with this at all, we just have to stand up. There are all kinds of discussions, but it all takes time.”
