Wilfred Genee, just like Arie Boomsma, sleeps with adhesive tape on his mouth

Wilfred Genee also sleeps with adhesive tape on his mouth these days, just like Arie Boomsma and the famous footballer Erling Haaland. “I’ve been doing it lately too.”

© SBS 6

Arie Boomsma was the first Dutchman last summer celebrity who revealed that he sleeps with tape on his mouth. It led to the necessary criticism and as a result Anouk Smulders jumped out of her skin live on television. According to Teun van de Keuken, sleeping with adhesive tape on your mouth is deadly, but Arie calls that nonsense.

Tape sleeper

The ratings hit Inside today discussed the theme last night, because Norwegian footballer Erling Haaland also appears to be a tape sleeper. “You can also put a plaster on your mouth, can’t you? Do you ever do that or not?”, says presenter Wilfred Genee.

René van der Gijp: “Ehhh, no. No, I never put a plaster on my mouth.”

Wilfred: “Arie Boomsma, on the other hand, does that! Ari! Yes!”

Arie’s mouth tape

Then we see Arie pass by in one of his ‘inspiring’ Insta videos. “If you’re just starting out with mouth tape, then it’s actually quite nice to take such a larger piece, because you still lose your tape quite often at night, to be honest,” says the fitness guru. “I’ve found it in my hair a lot or on my shoulder or on the pillow.”

René: “What does he want to achieve with this?”

Table guest Angela de Jong: “Attention.”

‘I do it too’

Then Wilfred comes out as a tape sleeper. “You lose less moisture at night and you sleep better. I’ve been doing it lately too.”

Rene: “Really?”

Wilfred: “Yes. Yes. But you’re not doing it yet?”

René: “I snore a lot, but it doesn’t bother me very much.”

Wilfred: “It helps against that!”

Adhesive tape on beak

Johan: “I’m not going to sleep with a plaster on my mouth, am I?”

Wilfred: “It helps against snoring!”

John: “Come on!”

Wilfred: “It’s true.”

Johan: “If that idiot does it, then I won’t do it anyway.”

Angela: “But you also snore, Wilfred?”

Wilfred: “I snore every now and then, yes.”
