Wilfred Genee is punished by Yvonne Coldeweijer: ‘This is not chic’

Wilfred Genee gets a slap on the fingers from Yvonne Coldeweijer for reading out sleaze and dirt about Martien Meiland. “I don’t think it’s very chic myself. And it is moderately interesting.”

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It has now been a few weeks since Wilfred Genee joined the bandwagon of the angry anti-Meiland tandem Caroline van Eeden and Valérie Lempereur and used their vile sleaze and dirt about Martien Meiland. About how he used to visit finishing stations at parking lots. Something that his children obviously don’t want to know at all.

Stupid Wilfred

Would juice queen Yvonne Coldeweijer have brought this? “No, I do not think so. I don’t think it’s a very nice thing to do. You know that someone like that came out of the closet at that moment, he was experimenting things,” she says in her controversial podcast The Juice Show.

She continues: “And furthermore… The moment Martien also admitted in the media: ‘Yes, it’s actually true’, I also thought: now Wilfred seems really stupid.”

‘Ain’t juice!’

Co-host Mark Koster does not understand that Wilfred lends himself to this. “Well, it comes across as something… Look, if Valérie had found out that those Meilandjes had committed a major fraud at that dhateau, I find that interesting. Then you have something and that is stated and that is also punishable, could be punishable. But parking spaces*ks are for me…”

Yvonne: “He doesn’t hurt anyone with it. And that is not juice in itself.”

Mark: “No exactly, that’s why I thought of you. Did you bring it? Suppose Valérie had come to you…”

‘Not so chic’

Yvonne has doubts. “Maybe a subordinate clause or something. Well, I don’t think so. I don’t think it’s very chic myself. But I’m not saying that I wouldn’t have brought it on principle. I just find it moderately interesting.”

She continues: “Maybe if someone had once said: ‘Martien never has sex’, then I would have said – if I had known –: ‘Well, I used to get some things in the Twingo. done.’ Do you understand? Like this. But not like: oh, this is the unveiling of my book!”

Life of Wilfred

Mark thinks it was a small mistake on Wilfred’s part. “But he actually read it that way. I really thought it was… Life of Wilfred. He really sat down for it. So I sat down for it too. I thought: well, here it comes. Now the revelation comes across: the Meilandjes really screwed those French people and did not pay those people.”

“But parking lots*ks, twenty years before that. I don’t like it…”
