Wilfred Genee is counting on serious damage to Theo Maassen’s career

Wilfred Genee expects that Theo Maassen’s career will be seriously damaged by the revelations about his alleged loose hands. “You will look at it differently now.”


The coming weeks will show how exactly the riot surrounding Theo Maassen will evolve. It can go one of two ways: either it will only get worse or the storm will subside. But even in the latter case, his career will never be the same as he is used to, because a stench of domestic violence will remain around him forever.

Wilfred critical

Wilfred Genee narrates New Revu that he expects permanent damage to Theo’s career. “It seems inevitable to me that this will have repercussions on his career. Although there has been no report and the Privé is perhaps a slightly less serious medium than, for example, de Volkskrant and NRC.”

Yet Wilfred finds Privé’s evidence quite overwhelming. “The stories as now presented with the necessary substantiation will make you look at his sometimes very harsh jokes differently.”

‘It just has to be’

Albert Verlinde, who regularly appears in Wilfred’s talk show VI, thinks it is ‘terrible’ for Theo’s alleged victims. “You absolutely have to take them seriously, especially since they seem to be there en masse. If that is at the expense of the comedian and his fame, then so be it.”

It’s a shame for such a talented man, says Albert. “We all laughed en masse at his shows, he does Zomergasten well. The danger of success is that you start to believe in yourself so much that you think you can do anything. And that is not the case.”

Gone to the head

The fame has gone to his head, the show expert thinks. “Full houses, you are applauded, everything is going well for you. Everyone deals with fame and success differently, and he may have found the wrong method for it.”

“I don’t think anything has been proven yet, but what he is accused of is of course not allowed.”
