Wilfred Genee has no regrets about gossip about Martien Meiland

Wilfred Genee does not regret that he sleaze and dirt about Martien Meiland on national television. Meanwhile, camp Meiland sharpens the knives: “There will be a new book!”

© SBS 6

Thanks to Wilfred Genee, the whole country knows that his colleague Martien Meiland has a lot of experience with the phenomenon of parking spaces. In Today Inside he read a passage from the new hate book about the Meilandjes, in which the ‘exiled family friend’ Caroline van Eeden tells her story.

Wilfred has no regrets

The author of that anti-Meiland book is Valérie Lempereur, who, according to Evert Santegoeds, has a friendly relationship with Wilfred. And because of that one-two, Martien was forced to confess his parking adventures in front of the RTL Boulevard camera. He responded very cleverly: “I laughed so much!”

Meanwhile, Wilfred is heavily criticized for his gossip in VI, but he does not regret it, as he showed in last night’s broadcast. In it he only points to Martien’s resigned reaction to Boulevard: “He didn’t think it was a problem at all, I saw, didn’t he?”

René van der Gijp: “Nice man. Even though he goes through those parking spaces every day!”


Yvonne Coldeweijer thinks the story does have an evil edge. She wonders whether Caroline is really going to transfer the proceeds of her Meiland hate book to charities, as she claims. “I wonder if Caroline has already deposited her advance into Kika’s account. A publisher usually gives a substantial advance!”

She doesn’t think it’s one bestseller becomes: “Was this the most shocking part of the book? Because then we don’t have to read it anyway 🥱 “, she says on her juice channel.

Gay stuff

Bas Paternotte, who makes a podcast with Jan Dijkgraaf, the biographer of the Meilandjes, does not understand the fuss. He says in that particular podcast, Nasty Boys: “So I didn’t understand this riot from the start, because it comes down to Martien Meiland, who is gay, doing gay things.”

Jan: “Twenty years ago he went to those kinds of places where men meet.”

Bas: “Yes, but isn’t that what gay people do? They meet in parking lots.”

Jan: “I hear you say it. Yes, of course it is.”

Bas: “Gay people, they do it in parking lots and at those beaches. CruisingThat’s the term I was looking for. Yeah, what the f*ck? Is that news? I get all that news. If that’s all there is in that book, then yes…”

Gossip magazine

Jan is not impressed. “Yes, if that is the most important thing… But the funny thing is, of course, that it was not brought, this news, by a tabloid, but by Wilfred Genee of Today Inside. And we do not know Today Inside as a program that is guilty of gossip. And how did Gene get it?”

He continues: “The writer… Writer of that book… Oh, sorry, I almost did the wrong thing with converted… But the writer of that book is a good friend of Wilfred Genee. And Wilfred Genee is therefore the only good friend of that writer, because she has argued with just about everyone in the media.”

Quarrel with everyone

So Jan is referring to Valérie Lempereur here. “For example, he was fired on the spot at Peter R. de Vries, thrown out at Privé. She was also the first manager of the Meilandjes and was kicked out after Talpa put a private detective on her. For example, she never wanted to call people from Talpa, because then they would recognize her voice.”

Are the Meilandjes out for revenge? Yes. “That will come again in the fourth book of the Meilandjes, because yes, of course we have to go into this matter a little more deeply.”
