Wilfred Genee critical of his successor: ‘Not exciting enough’

Wilfred Genee is critical of his successor at Radio Veronica. The Today Inside star thinks that Tim Klijn wants to keep it just a little too cozy. “He has his reservations about it.”


After only one year, Wilfred Genee stopped presenting the morning show of Radio Veronica at the end of last year. He could not combine it with a daily talk show on SBS 6. His successor at the radio station was Tim Klijn and he is a completely different type than Wilfred. Yesterday Tim sat at the desk of the early Shownieuws.

Wilfred listens faithfully

Is Tim having a good time? “It’s insanely fun to do. We have a fantastic team. We make it with incredible pleasure. We’re having fun building, aren’t we, as it’s called. We feel we have only just started and every morning we make the program with great enthusiasm and pleasure.”

Does he ever get comments from Wilfred? “From Wilfred? Yes. At least, I sometimes run into him here in the Talpa building and he always listens to his old colleagues by default, because I’ve also taken over his sidekicks. So he listens faithfully.”

Cynical Wilfred

Tim is referring here to sidekicks Niels van Baarlen and Rick Romijn. He continues: “It has become a slightly different program. Wilfred is a bit more cynical and he occasionally likes the mean questions and I like the slightly more positive approach and the cheerful radio.”

Wilfred is not very enthusiastic about that, Tim reveals. “I know that Wilfred sometimes has his reservations about that, but he listens faithfully and we certainly call him when he is in the news and he is always nice to us.”
