Wilfred Genee against tax money for Khalid Kasem: ‘Very crazy’

Wilfred Genee does not think it is possible for Khalid Kasem to be allowed to learn to present with NPO tax money. “That’s pretty crazy, isn’t it? And also at a very important time.”

© SBS 6

It is the most ambitious talk show host in the country: Khalid Kasem. The former criminal lawyer is about to be driven out by Eva Jinek and therefore an unbridled ambition takes control of him. But he seems to get lost in that a bit: the way he interviewed Pieter Omtzigt is very rude, according to critics.

Wilfred ruthless

Wilfred Genee does not understand that the NPO spends taxpayers’ money on a newcomer like Khalid, who can learn the presentation trade live on television. “You give someone the opportunity to learn to present on TV based on tax money. That’s pretty crazy, isn’t it? At a very important time,” he sneers Today Inside.

Oops, Khalid, who was a guest in VI last month, won’t like that. Yet Wilfred is serious: he thinks seven o’clock on NPO 1 is not a time for a newcomer. “Then there has to be someone who has a little experience. If you are really bad and you get a little better… But in the meantime you are presenting at prime time.”

Wierd is shocked

Table guest Wierd Duk is shocked by Wilfred’s fierceness. “Are you now giving your opinion about Khalid?”

Wilfred: “No, I’ve said that before. I find that very strange. I find that very strange.”

Wierd: “I completely agree with you.”

Johan Derksen joins Wilfred. “What you say is correct, because live TV is not a training course. When you appear live on TV you have to master that trick.”

From a good background

Wilfred thinks Khalid is disappointing. “Especially at that time and especially when your name is in the title. Then you must come from a good background.”

And that is not possible for Khalid, Evert Santegoeds agrees. The editor-in-chief of Privé sneers in his daily podcast Strictly Private: “Khalid really hit the spot with Omtzigt. He couldn’t handle that at all. It didn’t help that Olcay Gulsen was sitting there like a headless chicken and didn’t know what to do.”

‘So biased’

Khalid got through that interview with Omtzigt credibility lost, Evert thinks. “I think that Omtzigt could have presented its program better everywhere than at Khalid & Sophie and that we are back to square one as far as the program is concerned.”

He concludes: “I think that Omtzigt could have presented its program better everywhere than at Khalid & Sophie and that we are back to square one as far as the program is concerned.”
