Wildlands will play a leading role in next season The Real Life In The Zoo

Wildlands Zoo can be seen from next spring in the NTR TV program Het Echte Leven In De Dierentuin. Towards the end of the summer, images are shot in the Emmer zoo. They will be broadcast in a series of six episodes on NPO1 next spring.

During the program, the life of animals is followed for 24 hours with hidden cameras. Viewers get an impression of what things are like after closing time or in places that are normally not accessible to park visitors.

The TV show has now been around for six seasons and has attracted more than 1 million viewers. Ouwehands Zoo in Rhenen and Diergaarde Blijdorp in Rotterdam have already preceded Wildlands.

The NPO thinks it is important not only to be present in the Randstad and that is why the program makers come to Emmen. According to the municipality, the TV broadcasts offer a great opportunity to show what happens behind the scenes of the park. In addition, they are expected to be a great advertisement for both the park and Emmen itself.
