Wild Garlic Sciatt: the recipe for pancakes with a heart of cheese

For the sauce: 250 g plain yogurt
3 leaves of wild garlic
1 clove of garlic
20 g extra virgin olive oil
Salt to taste
For the sciatt: 250 g Valtellina Casera Dop cheese
20 wild garlic flower corollas complete with stem
200 g white flour
300 g buckwheat flour
1 small glass of grappa
300 ml beer
oil for frying to taste

Recipe and photos taken from “Cooking the garden” by Valeria Margherita Mosca (Giunti).


For the sauce – Mix the yogurt with the chopped wild garlic leaves, the minced garlic clove, the oil and the salt.

For the sciatt – Cut the cheese into cubes about 1 cm per side. Carefully wash the ramson flowers, keeping the stem intact. Mix the white flour and the buckwheat flourgrappa and beer, and work until a homogeneous, not too liquid mixture is obtained.

Leave to rest for 1 hour in the refrigerator. After this time, heat the oil in a pan and bring it to a temperature of 170 °. Place a cube of cheese inside each ramson flower umbrella, then dip only the corolla in the batter and dip it in the hot oil; the stem must remain outside the pot.

After having browned the sciatt, place it without damaging the fresh stem on absorbent paper from the kitchen. Serve the sciatt garnishing them with a teaspoon of sauce.

“Cooking the garden” by Valeria Margherita Mosca (Giunti).

Green trials

Environmentalist, forager. Valeria Margherita Mosca, who gives us this recipe (she is from hers Cooking the garden, Giunti), he really understands botany. And she uses plant ingredients such as herbs, seeds and roots in the kitchen to discover in parks, gardens, even in the backyard. She guides us, let’s do it ourselves.

The decor idea

Here, with unusual ingredients (but bear’s garlic, a cousin of common garlic, can also be found in nurseries), tradition is respected, as well as nature. Serve these revisited “sciatt” (in Valtellina they are pancakes stuffed with casera cheese), as if they were wildflowerswith the same, natural, simplicity.

