Wild garden and biodiversity on the terrace: here’s how

gwild garden vs rigor of forms. “The garden of Versailles? A horror!». That’s what he must have thought William RobinsonIrish master gardener transplanted to London, who visited France in 1867. Perhaps it was his disapproval of the formal taste of French gardens that led him to conceive his best-known work, The Wild Garden (1870)in which he theorizes a natural garden, which includes exotic plants and even some weeds.

Today the idea of ​​wild garden has evolved in a concept of space that above all enhances the essences of the territory, with limited maintenance, no chemicals and doors open to the presence of animals, from squirrels to birds, from hedgehogs to bees, without excluding insects and reptiles. Don’t worry: it’s not about reducing the garden to a place full of nettles and toads. However, it is a garden regulated by the gardener, welcoming and above all full of life. The keyword is indeed biodiversity. And the good news is that it can be done in a small garden, but also on an urban terrace or balcony. It will be a joy for adults and a school of nature for children.

Wild garden, a habitat that must offer food

The first dilemma is: how to convince blackbirds to frequent our balcony, or squirrels to come into the garden? “The animals arrive by themselves, you just need to create the right environment for them,” he comments Christian Spilinga, graduate in Natural Sciences, zoologist and science communicator. A habitat that primarily offers food: for example, berries and seeds for birds, nectar-rich flowers for pollinating insects and the butterflies. The presence of water is essential: whether it’s a small pond or a basinsolves the thirst problem.

Isabelle Olikier-Luyten’s garden, on the border between Belgium and France, in a photo taken from her book “A corner of paradise”. Over the course of 30 years, the author has transformed a barren corner into a paradise with 200 rose gardens, associated with a multitude of perennials, annuals and shrubs.

Let’s start with balconies and terraces in the city. «Even those who only have one windowsill can contribute by placing aromatic herbs, appreciated by butterflies and insects» he comments Angela Zaffignaniauthor of the very useful book bird garden (published by Mattioli 1885), former president of theEnvironmental Women Association and natural garden designer. «On the balcony, it is essential to have at least one treewhich growing in a pot (minimum depth 45 cm) will be smaller in size, but it represents a high element, on which birds can perch to control the territory. It may be a fruit tree, which has the advantage of offering food to us and to them. Then, bushes are needed – such as hawthorn, honeysuckle, holly, viburnum, strawberry tree – a border of flowers, a source of water and some artificial nests to complete the natural effect».

Among shrubs, a good choice is buddleiaalso cultivable in pots, e not surprisingly known as the butterfly tree: during the months of flowering it is the destination of a continuous colorful pilgrimage in search of nectar. Can be it is useful to also have a creeper on one of the balcony walls. A rincospermo or jasmine, with fragrant flowers, is also fine. «I placed a vigorous and evergreen Clematis armandii on the terrace, letting it grow upwards» says Zaffignani. «The dove, which builds rather simple nests, has used it to place its head on top». Obviously, nests need spaces that birds deem safe enough, from possible predators but also from us humans. The writer himself had a nest of blackbirds on the balcony, inserted in the thickest point of a pittosporum, but not high enough. At every exit to water the plants, mother blackbird got agitated. And finally, she left the nest, luckily before she laid her eggs.

“A corner of paradise”: Dahlias and surfinias

Birds are not the only guests on a terrace. To enjoy the sun, it is possible to find some lizards that climb and maybe a gecko, a nice devourer of insectsthe. «To avoid involuntarily growing mosquito larvae» advises Spilinga, «do not use saucers, or always keep them without stagnation. And change the water in the basin every day.’

Goodbye lawn, hello trees

In a garden it is easier to organize the space. «The first step is to free yourself from the idea of ​​an English lawn, tidy and perfect. A “messy” lawn due to the presence of different plants is richer and more biodiverse» underlines Spilinga. And it also stands up better to the challenge of drought, because the soil stays wetter if the grass isn’t cut close to the ground. Recover the pleasure of seeing the dandelions, mallows and daisies that sprout naturally among the tufts of grass. “The grass can be cut periodically. By watering less, a rustic lawn in the warmer months will be less green» adds Spilinga. «But with the cool autumn it begins to bloom again». The philosophy is the same as for the terrace and the balcony.

How to make a vegetable garden on the balcony

It is good to have trees, to be chosen according to the altitude and the climate. Better to focus on native species, such as maples, hornbeams, ash trees. TOngela Zaffignani in her book defines the oak as a “natural condominium”: here the blue tits find the caterpillars, the woodpecker drums on the bark, the owl takes refuge in its cavities, various birds nest on its branches, and the squirrel walks on it. If you have a large garden, it is worth planting one: with a little patience – it doesn’t grow fast – you will then see your tree teeming with life. Fruit trees are always welcome, such as wild cherry, apple and pear trees. Even the fig: it grows quickly, and you can reserve the fruits of the higher branches for the birds, picking only those lower down.

Wild garden, “hotel” for beneficial insects

An echinacea offers its nectar to a swallowtail. (A corner of Paradise)

Don’t forget to plant some berry-producing shrub, which can act as a hedge and at the same time offer food and nesting spaces for birds. The flowers are a welcome presence for pollinators. The choice of varieties reflects subjective taste and the natural garden can be colored with roses, dahlias, tulips, alongside grasses such as Pennisetumat the lavender and other aromatics. If you have the ability to create a small pond, it’s best not too close to the house, in a more secluded and wilder area.

“This makes it more attractive to animals,” comments Spilinga. «Don’t be afraid that it will become a breeding ground for mosquitoes: if there are larvae, predators will also arrive, such as amphibians and dragonfly larvae, which feed on mosquito larvae». To make the natural garden even more welcoming, you can offer hospitality to beneficial insects and help biodiversity building a “bug hotel” (on You can find various tutorials on YouTube). You can insert some feeders for the birds – but they are fed only in winter, when they can’t find food, never in the warm season – and some wooden houses with a circular hole, which will be appreciated by tits and wrens.

Isabelle Olikier-Luyten: “A corner of paradise”, her thirty years of “natural” experience

A corner of paradise, Isabelle Olikier-Luyten, Hippocampus€25.00

“Before taking shape, every garden is like a dream. It starts from an idea, which then evolves as you become familiar with the plants». Thus Isabelle Olikier-Luyten begins in A corner of paradisededicated to his garden of 600 square meters on the border between Belgium and France.

It all began in 1993, when she and her husband bought a country house with a small swimming pool, an English lawn and a patio. With passion, patience and with the help of plants, they manage to transform an insignificant place into a marvel. At first sight it might seem a bit messy, but in reality this natural garden is the result of continuous research to obtain the most original combinations of colours, shapes and essences.

Dahlias, clematis, hydrangeas, fuchsias, salvias, tulips are accompanied by umbrella trees, columbines, bluebells that seem to have come out of a country meadow. The pictures aren’t just a journey into beauty – the precise descriptions of the varieties almost make it a manual of suggestions to inspire you to enrich your terrace or garden.

