Wijk aan Zee people raise money to help a sick newspaper delivery boy

Newspaper delivery Peter has lung covid and cannot do without his Canta. When his car broke down, Wijk aan Zeeer Ad van Hoesel did not let it go. Determined to help his trusty newspaper delivery man, he started a fundraiser to repair the Canta. With success, within no time a large amount was collected and the car could be repaired. Since this morning, Peter can deliver his newspapers again.

As a newspaper deliverer, the Velsen-Nordic Peter has been there for two and a half years before residents of Wijk aan Zee received their newspaper before dawn. In addition, he cannot do without his faithful Canta, who has helped him transport the newspapers all along.

When the car broke down, Peter was at his wits’ end. He has lung covid and is therefore completely dependent on his cart for the delivery of the morning newspapers in Wijk aan Zee. “I can’t deliver the newspaper while cycling, I don’t have the lung capacity for that.”

Watch the video of Peter’s first round with his repaired Canta here:

To do something in return

Wijk aan Zeeër Ad van Hoesel decided it was time to give something back to the dedicated Peter. He started a fundraiser to raise the money needed to repair the cart.

“He deserves it,” says Ad. “Every day he gets up for us at 02:00. He faithfully delivers the newspaper before 05:30 every day.” News of the action spread like wildfire through the village and the response from the community was overwhelming.

Villagers of all ages and backgrounds have generously donated to help Peter. From small contributions to generous donations, every euro has contributed to the common goal. The support he receives moves him deeply and strengthens his sense of belonging to the community he drives through every day.

Villagers have so far already deposited 800 euros for the 1100 euro voucher. “If necessary, Ad will make up the difference himself”, says an emotional Peter this morning, during his first round in the repaired cart. “It means a lot to me. I can do my job again, people get their newspapers on time again, at the newspaper depot they are happy… win-win.”

Incidentally, the repair is not yet complete. Now it is still a cart in all colors, but soon Peter will be driving around in a sleek red-white-green cart. “I call it the Italomobile,” he says.

Ad van Hoesel is impressed by the massive response to his crowdfunding, but expected it. “Our village is very willing to take on this kind of thing. We are a close-knit community.”


Although the target amount has not yet been fully reached, Ad is determined to support Peter. “Always.” Yesterday afternoon, Peter was able to pick up his renewed Canta, all in good faith that the bill will be properly transferred on Saturday. The relief and joy is overflowing with the delivery driver who had to sit on the couch for a week: “I didn’t think this still existed in this world, which seems to be getting harder and harder.”

Do you also want to contribute? You can do this via the GoFundMe website under the title: Repair Canta newspaper delivery person.
