Wife of US chief justice asked to contest election results

The wife of one of the United States’ highest-ranking judges has urged then-President Trump’s chief of staff to oppose the lawful outcome of the presidential election. The reported that Washington Post and CBS News Thursday based on text messages between the two, which have been submitted to the parliamentary committee investigating the storming of the Capitol.

Ginni Thomas, wife of Clarence Thomas, one of the nine Supreme Court justices, texted a week after the November 3, 2020 election: “Help This Great President Hold Out, Mark!!!” She also wrote to him that “the majority knows that Biden and the Left are trying to carry out the greatest heist in history.” The addressee, Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, later wrote to her with a Biblical reference: “Evil always seems to win until the King of Kings triumphs.”

The two news organizations were given access to 29 text messages that Ginni Thomas and Mark Meadows wrote to each other and which were turned over by Meadows, along with more than 2,000 other text messages, to the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry. Across the Washington Post Meadows’ lawyer confirmed the existence of the 29 messages, without going into detail. He only said: “Nothing in these messages is causing legal problems.”

Ginni Thomas did not respond to media inquiries. Judge Clarence Thomas, who was hospitalized last week with “flu-like symptoms” but no corona, according to a Supreme Court spokesman, also did not comment.

Lawsuits after alleged election fraud

After the 2020 presidential election, Donald Trump refused to acknowledge his loss. Instead, he accused the Democratic Party and its rival Joe Biden of committing large-scale fraud. On the results evening, Trump already announced that he would go “to the Supreme Court”. The allegations have turned out to be buttery soft; only one of the more than 60 lawsuits filed by Trump and Republican Party attorneys was won in part. The Supreme Court did not consider electoral cases — after which Trump also targeted the highest-ranking judges.

Clarence Thomas wrote in one of these cases, by the way a dissenting opinion† He admitted that it didn’t look like the Pennsylvania election would have a different outcome due to a lawsuit, but wrote: “We may not be so lucky in the future.”

It was previously known that Ginni Thomas was actively working to reverse Biden’s election victory. She is a member of the conservative Council for National Policy and has, according to a research article in The New York Times last month, played an active role in the lead-up to the Jan. 6, 2021 protest rally in Washington, which would culminate in the storming of the Capitol by fanatical Trump supporters. After weeks of texting silence, Ginni Thomas sends another message to Meadows on January 10, 2021. “We are experiencing what feels like the end of America.”

The text messages that have now been leaked show that Thomas also had direct access to the White House. For example, she would have insisted on a prominent role for lawyer Sidney Powell in the team of lawyers around Trump. Powell is the lawyer who, at a press conference, linked the voting machines used in some states to Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chávez, who died in 2013. During a libel suit brought against her by the machine manufacturer, brought out Powell’s defense that „no reasonable person would come to the conclusion that her statements [over verkiezingsfraude, red.] were actually statements of fact”.

The revelation is painful for Judge Thomas, who last January was also the only one of the nine judges to grant Trump’s request not to hand over White House data to the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry. Although his wife has repeatedly stated that she and her husband are divorcing their duties, it is unusual for the husband of a Supreme Court judge to appear so overtly biased.
