Wietze de Jager left Radio 538 after slipping? ‘I think so’

Wietze de Jager has received a lot of criticism by complaining live on the radio about his extremely lucrative lice job at Radio 538. Will he fly out? “In the long run, yes.”

© Radio 538

It is perhaps the biggest blunder of the year in radio land: Wietze de Jager who goes live on the radio and complains about his well-paid lice job. It has gone down the wrong way with almost everyone, including Radio 538, who whistled him back extremely sternly.

Complaining Wietze

Wietze wants to take all kinds of parental leave days, because he believes that he is entitled to it. He spoke about it for no less than eight minutes on Monday, live on the radio, without discussing anything with the top of 538. And to think that as the presenter of the morning show he is the most important DJ of 538.

He has made one thing clear: Wietze is not one hundred percent motivated to blast on the radio five days a week. And that will eventually cost him his head, expects his Talpa colleague Evert Sankrediets.

‘He’s going out’

Jordi Versteegden, presenter of Strictly Privateasks Evert in that podcast: “Is he going to be replaced at 538 after those statements about parental leave?”

Evert: “In the long run I think it might be possible, yes. It’s a bit messy, I understand, but yes: he has also acted very clumsily this week by both putting his team in front of the block and complaining so openly about how hard it is.”

Throw in your own glasses

Wietze has been extremely clumsy, says Evert. “You also have to remember that those people who listen to him are of course on their way to construction at six in the morning in their vans and not finish at ten like him.”

According to Evert, it really is a lice job. “It’s not like he’s busy all day with tomorrow’s show, because he leaves that to his producers, so I think he’s really smashed his own glass a bit. If he doesn’t like doing that program himself, why should I listen to it?”

Clumsy action

Wietze and Talpa are now playing nice weather to the outside world, but according to Evert it is messy. “It’s being downplayed, but it’s been a very clumsy move on his part and that’s going to work against him at some point.”

Jordi: “I think he had a solid conversation behind the scenes with John de Mol or another high-ranking boss. I certainly think so.”
