Widows can work more without losing survivor’s pension | Interior

The federal government is raising the limits on what widows and widowers can earn without losing survivor’s pension. This has been decided by the Council of Ministers today.

Widows and widowers now lose part of their survivor’s pension above a certain income. The government is now adapting to this, for the self-employed and civil servants as well as for employees. The condition is that they are younger than 65 years and have one or more dependent children.

In concrete terms, the ceiling on an annual basis for civil servants and employees will be raised by EUR 5,025 gross. For the self-employed, this is 4,020 euros net. The same amount is added for each dependent child.

The reform will take effect on January 1. CD&V Member of Parliament Nahima Lanjri submitted a bill last spring to make it easier to combine the survivor’s pension with an income from work. She responds with satisfaction. “It is important that people who receive a survivor’s pension and want to work can actually do so,” she says.
