Widow in the Home Series: an important wish – keep your wife’s favorite

The cart was important to Juha’s late wife and should therefore not be removed. MTV3

A resident of Tuusula Juha Teljo gets used to a new kind of life situation. At the time of filming the home program, she has only had time to learn a different life for a few months.

– I was a widow about six months ago. Here, after 32 years, I have tried to learn to live alone, Juha says in the evening’s episode.

– Our yard is 20 years old, he still talks about us and not just about himself.

Tero and Helga arrive in Tuusula to help Juha. MTV3

Now is a good time for Juha to update the garden. He gives To Helga Andersson and To Tero Kontio hands free, but there are some hopes as well. Juha would like to keep the clematis.

– It has a story. I used to want to expand the terrace towards the flagpole. The wife always resisted because this is her best enduring flower. It has already taken over half the yard. It would matter if it could be saved, Juha asks in the program.

– The cart is a sentimental connection to what was before.

Juha’s plot is just over a thousand square meters. It should be easier to care for after the reform. MTV3

In addition to Kärho, Juha would like at least some of the trees to stay upright. They, too, mattered to his wife.

– Trees were the most important thing to my wife. He thought the forest was the best place in the world.

Juha has a family in mind anyway. After the renovation, the man would like his three already grown children and his spouse to often enjoy barbecue delicacies and leisurely togetherness.

– I would like the new yard to be one where I could spend more and better time with my family.

Juha is hard to grill. He’s fond of American bbq islands and gets a bit like himself. MTV3

Juha only dreamed of a living fire, but did not say anything to Helga and Tero about it. A surprise is pleasant when you find a campfire on the terrace. MTV3

Home today on MTV3 at 8pm and C Moressa. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
