Why you should check your insurance periods carefully

Your pension account does not match your employment history?  Then you should definitely make use of the account clarification

Your pension account does not match your employment history? Then you should definitely make use of the account clarification Photo: picture alliance/dpa/dpa-tmn

From BZ/dpa

Training, raising children, caring for a relative: are these times not recorded in your pension account? Then you should definitely register them later.

Personal employment history is decisive for the individual pension amount. Not only the monthly earnings and the contributions paid play a role.

Training periods, child-rearing periods or caring for a relative can also increase the pension. But not all of these times are automatically recorded, explains the German pension insurance. That is why insured persons should help out.

As part of so-called account clarifications, insured persons would already be written to regularly in the course of their working life. According to the information, they are asked to check whether the data stored by the pension insurance company is correct and complete. “In your own interest, you should comply with this request,” advises the social security agency. This is the only way to calculate the future pension amount correctly.

Insured persons can also report periods relevant to the pension independently of an account clarification. To do this, call the free service number 0800/10 00 48 00. If you are unsure or have further questions, you can also contact the hotline or go to www.deutsche-rentenversicherung.de inform.


Counselor: work, law and finances pension pension provision
