Why Turku and not Helsinki? The toddler of the capital in Finnish athletics speaks volumes

Paavo Nurmi Games was another excellent event. The big question is why Helsinki is completely in the moonlight as an organizer of athletics competitions.

Paavo Nurmi Games once again showed the rest of Finland the searches when a great athletics competition was held in Turku on Tuesday.

The dream of the people of Turku, at least as far back as the 2010s, was to rise to the Diamond League. Now the level of the second highest tier gold series.

– Of course, Paavo Nurmi Games can still grow, but is it worth growing? The first thing the stadium needs is more spectator structures, says Iltalehti’s athletics expert Arto Bryggare.

One place where renovations worth EUR 340 million have been carried out is the Helsinki Olympic Stadium.

But the capital has been in full swing at the Athletics Games for decades. The Swedish match has been practically the only big race that has been held regularly. The Sweden match will return to the renovated stadium after the Tampere years this season, but no other international or even national athletics competition will be held at the Million Monument.

What’s up?

– It requires one major partner. Hopefully that day will come in the next few years, Bryggare says.

The full analysis of the expert can be viewed in the attached video.

A controversial renovation of more than EUR 300 million was made to the Helsinki Olympic Stadium with public funds. The stadium’s athletic use has so far been close to zero. Arttu Laitala
