Why the problems with the Tax and Customs Administration and benefits keep coming back

It has been two and a half years since the report Unprecedented injustice appeared on the Supplements scandal. The Tax and Customs Administration had treated tens of thousands of innocent citizens as fraudsters for years. The cabinet resigned and promised improvement.

In these Hague Affairs, Derk Stokmans and Rik Rutten update you on the Benefits Scandal and what is going wrong at the Tax and Customs Administration. You hear how the debate went this week, about the investigation of NRC that showed that the Tax and Customs Administration still handles personal data carelessly and we are discussing how to proceed with the Tax and Customs Administration and the recovery operation.

@rik_rutten // @apjvalk // @DerkStokmans

Do you have questions, suggestions or ideas about our journalism? Then email our ombudsman at [email protected]

Further reading and listening:

Rutte is unable to shake off the Supplementary Affair

Twice as many people in poverty due to government error

You don’t just get rid of the surcharges

The story of uncle Cees: how the Netherlands became entangled in bureaucracy

#41 The Hague Affairs in the summer: why the government so often goes wrong

Why the government fails to fight poverty

For example, the Tax and Customs Administration became a frequent offender in the misuse of personal data

Derk Stokmans and Rik Rutten
Gus Valk
Editorial & production:
Iris Verhulsdonk & Vita van Lennep
Peter Baker
Venema Media/ANP
