Why the agreement with the BRICS announced by Alberto Fernández could fall

After having given up traveling this week to Johannesburg, where the summit of the BRICSthe commercial alliance that integrates Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, Alberto Fernandez announced today the entry of Argentina to this group that brings together some of the most important economies in the world, and that sets its sights on collaborating with other developing countries (Saudi Arabia, Iran, the United Arab Emirates also join in this opening of the bloc , Egypt and Ethiopia).

The Argentine president had canceled his trip scheduled for last Tuesday, distrusting that the endorsement of the “friend” Lula Da Silva was enough to boost the membership of Argentina (in fact, other Latin American countries such as Venezuela, Cuba and Bolivia were left in the way). “The relevance of the BRICS is confirmed by the growing interest shown by other countries in joining the group. As President Ramaphosa indicated, Brazil welcomes the BRICS: Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia and Iran “, Lula published this morning on his Twitter account.

And he added: “I dedicate a special message to dear @alferdezPresident of Argentina and a great friend of Brazil and the developing world”. A gesture expected by Alberto Fernández who had seen Lula’s efforts to lend money to Argentina through the BRICS bank he presides fail before Dilma Rousseff. And the Argentine president had also returned with empty pockets from his trip to Brazil earlier this year, when the negotiations for a common digital currency that had been proposed by the Brazilian Minister of Economy did not materialize either. fernando haddad: now those payments will be made in yuan, another victory for China using the BRICS to leverage its currency in the world.

Now, the previous doubts of Alberto Fernandez about the possible arrival of Argentina to the BRICS still exist. The entry of our country and the other guests would be effective as of January 1, 2024, giving enough time for a new president, as of December 10 of this year, to decide Go backwards. Own javier mileiwinner of the PASO in the presidential electoral race, has already stated that he has no will to agree with China, who is by the way today one of Argentina’s main clients.

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I don’t want trade pacts with communists”, the presidential candidate for La Libertad Avanza had said, a statement that generated disagreements with the eastern country: China represents the 80% meat export from Argentina. In JXC, they are more cautiousnot only have they encouraged the commercial link with the Asian giant, the interests in having a greater commercial relationship with Indiaa country that could soon surpass China as a market, and that is on its way to dispute the podium in technological development: this week it managed to land a spaceship on the Moon, as proof that it even has a space development that surpasses Western powers .

Finally, the possibility that with this entry into the BRICS they will enable soft lines of credit for the country, it could change the opinion of the economists of the opposition forces, aware that the lack of foreign currency is one of the main problems of the country, and the obstacle to the operation of all production.

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