why talking about it at work is important – iO Donna

LStress affects many, but few talk about it. Unfortunately, silence cannot hide the tangible consequences. To raise awareness among the population on this very important issue and create awareness, the October 10th is celebrated World Mental Wellbeing Day. Established in 1992, it is promoted by World Federation of Mental HealthWorld Mental Health Federation, and supported byWHOWorld Health Organization.

When to go to psychotherapy: the seven signs to pay attention to

If the discomfort concerns young people

«After the pandemic, there is more and more talk about the importance of taking care of your mental health. I am especially the younger generations to feel the need to give voice to your discomfort, asking for support and answers from the adult world. However, they still survive strong prejudices dictated by years of bad information. For this, we are proud of continue our commitment to the project Everyone’s Crazy About Riceto give support to those experiencing difficult times and their families. The social challenge #TuttiMattiperilRiso, which already had a large following last year, proposes a communication even closer to young and very young peopleso that anyone who has questions, doubts or feels in difficulty knows that we can help them” he underlines Felicia GiagnottiPresident of Itaca Project Foundation.

Stress and work

But if young people talk about it and ask for help, adults have a harder time expressing their discomfort. The 70% of Italian workers experiment stress and burnoutbut only 50% discuss it openly with their managers. This is what emerges from the latest study by GoodHabitz, the international platform for corporate training. What is worrying is the gap in communication between employees and managers in matters of mental health. The survey, conducted in Italy on a sample of 1277 people aged between 25 and 65 years active at work, was created to understand the evolving panorama of mental health and well-being at workanalyzing the various aspects that contribute to employee peace of mind.

The “silent crisis”

In our country, four out of five employees they see one correlation between happiness at work and the impact on their overall well-being (80%), underlining how work and private life are interconnected. Yet, among those interviewed, 1 in 2 workers he chose to deal with your difficulties in isolation. Only 50% of them feel comfortable with discuss stress, anxiety, panic attacks and other disorders within the company. This “silent crisis” highlights the need for promote environments in which the open conversations about mental health are not only welcomed, but actively encouraged. “Create a safe and supportive environment in which vulnerability and honesty are accepted and encouraged it is essential to stimulate a culture of well-being”, he explains Gijs Coppenshealth psychologist and founder of Psychology Platforms OpenUp & iPractice.

More productive and happy

Teaching how to work without stress is what the aim is productivity coach Stefania Brucini, author of the podcast “Value your time”, born in 2021 and which she currently records, only on Spotify, approximately 140 thousand listeners. According to Brucini, to achieve ambitious work projects or personal aspirations let’s start again small moments of daily happiness. And so the morning cappuccino, jogging, the postponement of commitments at the most suitable times and days to conserve energy, as well as introspective moments to learn to accept unexpected events and failures, enter the agenda. His “method” marks a reversal of trend: one slow and balanced productivity that gives back the right space for free time and familypreventing people from feeling overwhelmed by performance culture.

Stress: stop overworking

«The constant comparison with those who only show their successes generates competition negative which can give rise to frustration, inadequacy and fear of failure, feelings of guilt and burnout, with devastating emotional and psychological repercussions. There is an alternative instead: each goal can be achieved at one’s own pace, in small steps, identifying limits and strengths, stopping procrastinating. This model of slower, sustainable and conscious productivity allows you to fulfill yourself at work while maintaining self-esteem and serenity and to also rediscover hidden aptitudes to give space back to other aspects of life such as hobbies and family”, concludes Brucini.

