Why (security) experts advise turning off WiFi on your smartphone

A life without access to the Internet is no longer imaginable for many people – understandable, because the entire social and economic life now depends on it. Smartphone users can also surf the Internet from outside their own four walls via public WLAN spots, but most users of the contact points are not even aware of how dangerous it can be to log into the free, public hotspot areas. Therefore, tech experts around the world advise turning off certain settings on the phone.

Hackers intercept data streams between end device and network

Activating the WLAN function brings with it some dangers. After all, leaving your WLAN switched on all the time makes it easier for potential hackers and criminals to gain access to the device and thus have unrestricted access to your personal data. The reason: According to the cyber security company Kaspersky, there is no encryption in public and free WLAN networks – secret access data for e-mail or banking accounts can therefore be intercepted by hackers without any problems.

Hackers sneak their way between the user’s end device and the public WLAN contact point without the user or the network noticing anything. This means that the smartphone no longer communicates directly with the hotspot, but first sends its data to the hacker, who then forwards it to the network. This gives criminals unrestricted access to all transmitted data, because according to Kaspersky, authentication is not required when connecting to a public network.

Disable file sharing and printers

Therefore, tech expert Caroline Lee from the security company CocoSign advises disabling some functions on the mobile phone before it comes to malicious attacks on one’s own data: “Keep your phone hidden from other devices when you use public WLAN,” appeals Lee all smartphone owners. According to cyber expert Lee, this requires some mobile phone settings in the WLAN area: “The Wifi setting you have to deactivate is file sharing and printer if you are on a public WLAN network. This helps you to compromise data avoid and protect your device,” Lee explains, according to reports from Futurezone.

Install VPN

According to Kaspersky, a virtual private network connection (VPN) is recommended in order to be able to covertly log into a public network and thus not get on the scene of hackers. Because even if a hacker were to succeed in hacking into the system, the criminals can only intercept highly encrypted data through the VPN, with which little can usually be done.

Security expert recommends turning off WiFi completely

However, Miklos Zoltan, CEO and security researcher at Privacy Affairs, thinks that’s not enough. According to the tech expert, to prevent the smartphone from automatically connecting to a public network or to prevent the automatic communication of the public WiFi hardware with your own device, it is not enough to simply disable a few of the WiFi settings. Instead, according to Zoltan, you should turn off the entire Wi-Fi function as soon as you leave the house: “The one cell phone setting that you should turn off immediately is the Wi-Fi,” says the expert. “Public WiFi networks are often controlled by hackers,” he warns all cell phone users, according to reports from Futurezone. The security expert therefore advises turning off the WLAN completely in order to directly prevent potential attacks by hackers on your own data.

Pauline Breitner / Editor finanzen.net

Image sources: BeeBright / Shutterstock.com, Lichtmeister / Shutterstock.com
