Why only keep two nuclear power plants open when we have seven? Prime Minister De Croo answers your questions about the energy file | VTM News

energyThis week the federal government came out with two energy agreements. On Tuesday, there were measures to help keep the high energy prices down. On Friday evening, the government presented its plans for the nuclear phase-out. Why should citizens use renewable energy, but let the government build gas-fired power plants? What will it cost us to keep the nuclear power stations open? Prime Minister Alexander De Croo (Open Vld) answers your questions about the energy file in the VTM NIEUWS studio.

Yorick Dupon

19 Mar. 2022


Why only keep two nuclear power plants open when we have seven?

According to De Croo, it was never really an option to extend the other five nuclear power plants. Two of these are the so-called ‘crack plants’, which are also causing problems in France. The other three are too old. “If you would like to extend it and have it meet future standards, the investments are not economically feasible,” says De Croo.

Do we have any guarantee that the extension of the nuclear power plants is feasible?

After the announcement of the federal government’s agreement, the question immediately arose as to whether it would be possible to keep the nuclear power stations open for ten years longer. According to energy minister Tinne Van der Straeten (Green), it is “a complex situation that will require a lot of effort”. Prime Minister De Croo remains optimistic and counts on the efforts of manager Engie. “We have extended three more in the past and we did that together with Engie. Those have always been correct discussions,” he told VTM NIEUWS.

What will it cost us to keep those power stations open?

According to the federal government, the combination of keeping the two most modern nuclear power stations open, plus the construction of new gas-fired power stations and the use of renewable energy should provide sufficient electricity. As a result, prices should peak less. “Overall, this decision will ensure that we have fewer spikes in electricity prices, as we have seen in recent months,” said the prime minister.

Why do I have to use renewable energy, and can the government still build gas-fired power stations?

According to De Croo, renewable energy is “by far the preferred option”. The problem is that you want to have enough electricity, even when the sun doesn’t shine hard enough or the wind doesn’t blow hard enough. You cannot count on nuclear power plants because they are not flexible enough to switch on and off when necessary. This is the case with gas-fired power stations.

“It’s about new technology. They are much more environmentally friendly than the old power stations,” says the prime minister. “Everywhere in the world where a lot of renewable energy is used, a small part of gas-fired power plants is needed. They are actually used to ensure that you can have a lot of renewable energy,” summarizes Alexander De Croo.

Photo montage: the nuclear power plant of Tihange and Prime Minister Alexander De Croo (Open Vld) in the studio of VTM NIEUWS. © Olivier Hoslet / EPA; VTM NEWS
