‘Why no water cannons against farmers?’

Hadewych Minis, actress and climate activist, states that the A12 protests are being taken harder than at the time of the protesting farmers. “Why weren’t there water cannons there?”


More and more actresses are also part-time climate activists these days. Nowadays, Carice van Houten doesn’t seem to do anything other than count lines on the A12. She and her protesting friends are causing quite a bit of annoyance, because many people need the highway for their work and daily activities.

Water cannons

However, Hadewych Minis supports the highway protests, she says in the LINDA. “’Deuggleuf, are you committed to something again.’ A nasty reaction like this doesn’t stop me from wanting to speak out. I demonstrate and help with Extinction Rebellion actions, although I find the name ‘rebellion’ a bit difficult.”

The rebellion isn’t too bad, the actress thinks. “All demonstrations are peaceful and non-violent. I was at the A12 demonstration in May. An orchestra played Beethoven’s seventh symphony. It set the tone, we come in peace. It gave me goosebumps. But they hadn’t finished playing when the water cannons started spraying.”

‘Don’t farm!’

It is strange that water cannons are not used during farmers’ protests, says Hadewych. “I was shocked by that. Naive perhaps, but I didn’t expect the police to deploy it so quickly. That felt unfair. Especially because during the farmers’ protests, which involved a lot of violence, no water cannon was seen.”

Doesn’t a better environment start with you? For example, Carice is accused of constantly flying to fun jobs in America or her lover in Australia. But according to Hadewych, we should not look at it that way. “A better environment really starts with Shell, Tata Steel and all those other companies.”
