Why Me: Aldo Grasso’s review of the documentary on Prime Video

Genre: Documentary
Direction: Giovanni Caloro and Alessandro Merletti De Palo. With Pietro Sermonti, Telmo Pievani, Mara Maionchi, Elizabeth Blackburn. On Amazon Prime Video

Mara Maionchi and Pietro Sermonti in a moment of “Why Me”.

Why are we alive? Why is each of us just like that? Where does the story of humanity fit in the history of the universe? A gem of knowledge has emerged from the Prime catalog, with questions, doubts and answers to be searched for.

Why Mecreated by the AIRC Foundation, questions the inscrutable world of DNAof the billions of cells that circulate making us what we are.

If he asked the actor Pietro Sermonti, who embarked on a journey into science while he was away from the stages due to lockdown with the intent of trying to make the mystery of the world accessible.

The poster of the documentary

The poster of the documentary “Why Me”

The result is this documentary in which he lets himself be accompanied by Telmo Pievani, philosopher of science, and by other guests, including Mara Maionchi and the Nobel Prize for medicine Elizabeth Blackburn.

Moving from abiogenesis, the process on which the birth of life is based, to the cosmic calendar of the astronomer Carl Sagan, Why Me it is a simple and pleasant informative product that behind difficult concepts actually wants to tell us about our infinitesimal role in the universe describing the human being as “a social condominium populated by cells”.

For science popularization enthusiasts with a new language suitable for platforms.

