Why it’s time to prune your lavender plant again

The Lavender ‘hidcote’ (the Latin name for this is Lavandula angustifolia) with its beautiful purple color is a beautiful addition to any garden. The plant also spreads a wonderful, relaxing and soothing scent and is hardy, so it can last for years. So it’s a good choice to plant one in your front or backyard. It is important that you prune the lavender well, then you can enjoy it the longest!

Pruning lavender plant

If you did it right, you pruned your lavender plant last fall – after flowering. Doesn’t sound familiar? During this autumn pruning you only cut off the spent flowers. Note: just stick to that, otherwise your plant will not survive the winter. In the spring – in March, to be precise – it is time for a second pruning. Don’t be alarmed, because this is a big one. You cut your lavender short to just above the bare wood. That equates to about seven to eight centimeters above the ground. It’s a not so pleasant sight for a while, but it’s for a good cause.

Why prune twice a year?

You may wonder why it is not enough to provide your lavender plant with an MOT once a year. That’s how it works: if you don’t keep it compact, the plant will lignify at the bottom. Once this process has started, it can no longer sprout and you are left with a bare bush. You can still prune the bare wood, but your lavender will no longer sprout. In plant land, pruning is flowering!

Farmer Tom tells you even more about pruning your lavender:

Source: RTL News

March 17, 2022
