why it is good to train and how to do it – iO Donna

LAbdominal diastasis is a lateral shift of the vertical muscles of the abdomen, resulting in a greater prominence of the area and affects the correct work of these same musclescausing annoying disturbances. It is a condition that can occur following a pregnancy or of a important weight loss, which modify the shape of the belly and determine a less continent abdomen.

Pregnancy – a predisposing factor

“Regard about 30% of primiparous women, but it is a percentage that increases with the subsequent births. It therefore affects thousands of people, especially women. Yet even today, little is said about it, the problem is underestimated or it is considered exclusively from an aesthetic point of view. In reality, abdominal diastasis is primarily a functional problem and for this reason it must be addressed in the correct way», he underlines Federica Accioaka @informaconFede.

No to sport without criterion

«Another predisposing factor is playing sports without criteria. If the woman has her abs already thickened and pulled out, she will only make it worse. The crunchone of the classic exercises of traditional fitness, which involves bending the torso forward, does nothing but accentuate the physiological separation of the rectus abdominis. The famous six pack, or the sculpted abs that many aspire to, actually have an abyss in the center and are synonymous with a wrong workout», warns the expert.

Noemi's workout to keep fit

Exercises to avoid

“All exercises in frontal flexion they are prohibited for those with abdominal diastasis and must in any case be limited in other cases as they can create a predisposition. In any position the legs are held, shoulder blades and head are raised, in the long run they lead to a removal of the rectus abdominis. Also some pilates movements which may seem harmless hide pitfalls. Although they are mild, if repeated over time they can predispose to this problem of the abdomen. Yes to a gentle practice, which ensures well-being for body and mind over time. In the case of diastasis, as well as other health problems, it is good that training is agreed with physiotherapist, gynecologist and general practitioner» continues Accio.

The exercises to do

«I have trained many women with abdominal diastasis over the years. Many had been told not to do any physical activity. Actually the right activity could certainly not make it worse, rather it acts as a containment. My advice, obviously subject to the doctor’s ok, is postpartum abs training since, beyond the physical aspect, these muscles perform an important task: to support the spine, therefore they must be strengthened but in the right way. In case the person doesn’t have wrist problems or too much weight to support, I recommend the classic plank», explains Accio.

Plank: how and how much

«It starts from the retroversion of the pelvis and flattens the lumbar spine (the physiological curves obviously remain). You need to contract your buttocks, keep your shoulders away from your ears and lean on your toes. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth and look down, not forward, avoiding “bulging”. How long to hold the plank? Everyone has their own timei.e. what allows you to hold the position without dying of fatigue. Something that no one says. Those who started yesterday don’t necessarily have to keep it for a minute. For example, I myself don’t hold it for more than 15-20 seconds. It is not a plank that determines the abs: it strengthens and tones if a series of criteria are adopted, such as nutrition, physical activity and stretching. It’s all about the mind-muscle connection. Everything starts from our head», highlights the expert.

The extra tip

«In general, those suffering from abdominal diastasis must keep your head resting on the mat at all times and maybe work with the legs, bringing them up or forward. Yes to the plank, except for the variant that involves twisting torso movements.

Finally, it must be emphasized that no exercise by itself is magicalbut it has to be contextualized and designed for the person. Never pick exercises here and there, switching from one trainer to another and making a meaningless mix. We need to rely on professionals who have proven experience. The goal must be to start training and never stop with a practice moderate, precise and constant, sustainable in the long term, because it is a real preventive drug to feel good today and age well tomorrow. It is not an aesthetic question but well-being of body and mind», concludes Accio.

