Why is the virologist Drosten hardly speaking anymore?

By Gunnar Schupelius

He campaigned vehemently for contact bans and the lockdown for two years. Today, however, since these measures are extremely controversial, he cloaks himself in silence. This gives food for thought, says Gunnar Schupelius.

The director of the Institute for Virology at the Charité, Christian Drosten, played a particularly important role for two years.

He was one of the most influential advisors to the federal government and the prime ministers in combating the pandemic. The politicians listened to him, schools were closed on his advice, contact restrictions were imposed and the lockdown was ordered.

From March 2020 to May 2022, Drosten spoke up continuously, also without being asked about his podcast on NDR. For this he received the German Radio Prize.

Drosten was constantly on the Twitter news service. He tirelessly warned of the collapse of the intensive care units, ever higher corona waves and more and more corona deaths.

But then, in the spring of 2022, there was suddenly radio silence. Drosten disappeared from the scene. No more podcast, no more tweet. He spoke only twice more. In September he announced in the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” that there would be a “strong corona wave” for the fall, which did not materialize, and on November 23 he warned in the weekly newspaper “Die Zeit” “that winter could be difficult again”. . Then nothing.

We wanted to know why he rarely gets in touch and whether he is interested in working through the highly controversial corona measures, which he mentored. The lockdown claimed many victims, leaving people economically ruined and psychologically severely damaged.

We asked specifically: “How do you rate the lockdown as a means of preventing the spread of the virus and would you recommend the lockdown again?” But the head of corporate communications at the Charité, Manuela Zingl, refused: Mr. Drosten would not give an answer because he I already said everything in an interview with “Zeit”.

That’s not true. He doesn’t say a word about the lockdown there. Regarding the Corona measures, he says: “But what did Germany decide wrong in the end?” To then answer the question himself: “I can’t think of much.”

So that’s it! The whole country was shut down and driven into solitude. No one can say today whether that was necessary. There is much to suggest that the lockdown did not have a significant impact on the infection process, i.e. it was superfluous. And the person who was behind everything and was involved everywhere now has “little ideas”.

We remain at a loss and are surprised that the much sought-after, eloquent Mr. Drosten is now wrapped in the cloak of silence, since it should actually be clarified which mistakes were made with the help of his advice and how serious the effects on physical and mental health are of people to this day.

So he takes on so little responsibility now.

Is Gunnar Schupelius right? Call: 030/2591 73153 or email: [email protected]
