Why is one traffic light shorter on orange than the other? | Question answer

QUESTION ANSWER‘How long is a traffic light on orange when it is normally in use?’, asks reader Joost Kersen in the question & answer section of our car editors. ‘I notice that the duration at traffic lights can be very different. Isn’t this laid down by law?’

Auto editor Niek Schenk replies: “There is no legal regulation. But Bureau Goudappel and CROW, the knowledge institute for road builders and road managers, have researched the ideal ‘yellow times’, because officially it is yellow light. These are included as a guideline in the Traffic Light Regulations Handbook 2022.

The duration depends, among other things, on the speed that can be driven on the spot. It also counts whether it concerns straight ahead or turning traffic. For motor vehicles, a yellow time of a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 5 seconds is maintained. For cyclists going straight ahead at a crossing, it is only 2 seconds.

According to the guideline, these are safe times for normal road behaviour. Ultimately, however, it is up to the road authority to set the duration. After all, traffic situations and the amount of traffic on the spot can vary considerably.’

Our car editor Niek Schenk answers reader questions every week. Mail your question to [email protected]

More questions and answers can be found in our file.
