“Why is Gordon still crying on TV alone?”

Jordi Versteegden, star reporter for De Telegraaf, wonders why we only see Gordon crying on television these days. “Does that say anything?”, it sounds philosophical.


Gordon has a strange sense of comeback. First we see him appear with a new haircut in the MAX Christmas concert, then Beau van Erven Dorens allows him to smear his ex-boyfriend while crying on national television and tonight he makes another weeping appearance, this time in Verborgen Verleden.

Musical ancestors

What’s going on again that drives Gordon to tears? His musical ancestors. “Even though he has his own program, Gordon has been on television a lot lately, we notice,” says showbiz expert Jordi Versteegden, the rising star of De Telegraaf, in the podcast. Strictly Private.

Colleague Evert Santegoeds reacts cynically. “Yes, that is apparently what he chose. When he is here, he is in a program from Omroep MAX to Beau and now that Hidden Past again and there is another tear shed, so I think I will ignore that broadcast this weekend. ”

Just crying

Jordi thinks that Gordon should stop crying at some point. “How come Gordon has only been crying on television lately. Does that mean anything?”

What does Evert think about that? “Don’t know. He is looking for attention, looking for something. Of course he is left empty-handed. He has no music, he has no program, he has nothing at all and then he just says yes to these kinds of invitations, while I think: dude, it’s all so far removed from what you are good at.”

Let’s laugh

After all, Gordon’s humorous talent is undeniable: he can make quick jokes like no other. “Making people laugh, singing, all those things, do them now and don’t just sit in front of the camera sipping and crying, because it’s so much of the same thing. People just want to laugh at Gordon and nothing else.”

Jordi: “The bottom line is that he has to cry because he has musical ancestors.”

Evert: “Yes, well, wonderful. It’s beautiful, but I don’t really need to see it that way.”
