Why good wine belongs in the bedroom

In a wine refrigerator, the storage conditions for good bottles are of course ideal.  But there is another way

In a wine refrigerator, the storage conditions for good bottles are of course ideal. But there is another way Photo: picture alliance/dpa/dpa-tmn

From BZ/dpa

And where is your wine stored? A bed in a cool bedroom actually offers good conditions. The German Wine Institute reveals why.

Anyone who loves wine likes to have a few bottles in stock at home. But not everyone has the space for storing wine at optimal temperatures in the cellar or in the kitchen for a wine refrigerator.

But there is a good alternative place: under the bed.

Even the German Wine Institute recommends this. The bedroom often offers what wine needs: a cool place where the temperatures don’t fluctuate too much.

And storing under the bed fulfills another condition, the bottles should be in the dark.

For long storage times, it is best to lay the bottles down

But a really cool place with an average temperature of ten to twelve degrees is ideal. The higher the temperatures, the faster the wine matures. According to the Wine Institute, temperatures above 20 degrees are considered unsuitable.

By the way: If you want to keep wine bottles with corks for more than a year or two, you should take them off. Standing, the cork could dry out and shrink. You can also protect the cork of fine wines with a special sealing wax.

Wines with plastic or crown caps, screw caps and glass caps can be stored upright without hesitation.


Alcohol Guide: Eating and drinking wine
