Why good socks are so important when walking

First of all, ‘normal’ socks are often simply stitched. In addition, the seam runs horizontally in front of the toes and such a thick-feeling seam can become more irritating with the kilometer. Good hiking socks take away this irritation, because there is simply no seam in the front. In addition, a cheap pair of socks has a size range of sometimes six sizes, sizes 35-41. You can imagine that with size 35 you will have a lot of fabric left over. Hiking socks are generally produced in more specific size groups and thus fit better around your foot.

no blisters

Are you in good shape? There is a good chance that your feet will sweat. The special combination of wool and synthetic fiber in hiking socks easily absorbs perspiration and keeps your feet dry. And with fresh, dry feet you reduce the chance of painful blisters. Saves a lot of plasters and misery…

Shock absorption

Another important argument for good hiking socks is shock absorption. It goes without saying that a good pair of shoes with a thick sole provide shock absorption, but a real hiking sock can also contribute to this. Hiking socks are produced with a thicker, softer and more resilient footbed so that your sock also offers relief to the foot and knee.

The price for a good pair of hiking socks differs per brand, but assume that the socks cost between ten and thirty euros per pair. For tips when buying hiking socks, you can take a look at the site of the Royal Walking Association Netherlands† Have fun hiking!

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Source: Royal Walking Association Netherlands† Image: iStock.

May 16, 2018
