Why does the multi-million dollar villa Fajah Lourens suddenly cost 11 euros more?

Fajah Lourens will not lose her multi-million dollar villa on the paving stones. She has now put her house of 3.8 million euros back on Funda, but for 11 euros more… Why?!


42-year-old Fajah Lourens has put her multi-million dollar villa in Purmerland up for sale because she wants to emigrate to Spain, but things are not going well. After six months she reclaimed her home Funda had it installed, but the asking price has changed. That was 3,600,000 euros, but is now 3,600,011 euros. What kind of weird thing is that?

11 euros more

Rob Goossens, one of the stars of RTL Boulevard, finds it strange. “Remarkable: Fajah Lourens’ house, which has been for sale for six months, has been put back on Funda. This happens more often, but the price is often reduced. Now increased by no less than 11 euros,” he writes X.

One Ellen comments: “Too bad, I just wanted to buy it, but 11 euros more expensive is just a bit too much for me.”

Rob: “I understand.”

‘Happens every day’

A certain Billy Bob does not think it is strange that Fajah’s home has been put back on Funda. “Just a buyer who couldn’t get the financing. That’s probably the reason. Happens every day.”

Rob: “But why the 11 euros?”

Billy Bob: “Inflation correction?”

Well, he doesn’t have to apply to CBS either.

Mystery solved

Parool journalist Jasper Roele gives the redeeming answer. “There is a real estate agent in Landsmeer called 11 real estate agents. Every house they sell has an amount that ends in 11 euros.”

Rob: “Mystery solved!”


Rob’s tweet:
