Why does prohibiting abortion in the US affect all women?, by Ana Bernal-Triviño

During this week we learned of the draft with the intention of the United States Supreme Court to repeal the right to abortion, enshrined since 1973. How did it get here, almost 50 years later? Vote massively for Donald Trump, who made all kinds of concessions to the support received by ultra-religious against abortion, was key. During his tenure, he prohibited federal funds to family planning clinics that referred to abortion centers, which hurt the poorest. And before leaving, he arranged for a majority of anti-abortion judges in the Supreme Court (six out of nine) who are the ones who, now, intend to promote that annulment.

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The question is: why does banning abortion in the US affect all women? We could talk about any other country where it is prohibited, but USA is always reference. Ultra-religious associations and ‘lobbies’ against women’s rights finance this type of action in a regression of our freedoms throughout the world. Y the dangerous thing is that the US sets a course to follow, causing a wave of “contagion & rdquor; with a reactionary vision. The more extension of this right, the better for all. And to more repeal, the opposite.

Watch out for Spain. We have been waiting for the decision of the Constitutional Court for 11 years after appealing the Popular Party our abortion law. If it happens in the US, could the same thing happen in Spain? Both in the United States, as in Spain, as in any corner of the world, any limitation leaves a clear question: removing the right to abortion will not prevent abortion. There will be, in worse conditions, except for rich women. In Spain, this same newspaper has already denounced how minors without parental permission buy pills on the internet to abort, exposed to a mortal risk. Y this happens here, next to your house, or maybe in your own house. If in the most advanced countries there is a regression, imagine in the rest. It is not a trip to the past. This is pure present. In part, because we are letting it be.
