‘Why does Leontine Ruiters call paparazzi herself?’

Bridget Maasland finds it unbelievable that Leontine Ruiters herself called paparazzo Edwin Smulders to have photos taken with her new boyfriend John Huiberts. “Why would you?!”

© RTL, Instagram

This week’s Story is a kind of disguised photo book by Leontine Ruiters, the ex-wife of Marco Borsato. It contains numerous photos with her new sweetheart John Huiberts, shot at multiple locations in Ibiza. The fact that they pose in all the photos already suggested it, but according to Yvonne Coldeweijer it is really true: this is on Leontine’s initiative.

‘Why would you?!’

Bridget Maasland finds it unbelievable that Leontine calls the paparazzi while love with John is still so early. “Then why would you do that? Then why would you call the paparazzi if you don’t know it yet?” she wonders in RTL Boulevard.

Entertainment expert Aran Bade replies: “I think Leontine really wants to show that she’s happy with John, that she wants to show it off. They are madly in love. We talked to John a little longer today, he was jogging and he also said, ‘I’m just totally in love with this woman.’ That also shines through on that two-million-dollar yacht.”

Sylvie tactics

Aran states that Leontine uses the same tactics as Sylvie Meis. “It is special: less than seven days ago they were very careful and now they are actually doing the famous Sylvie Meis tactic. You land in Ibiza at 1.10 pm, then you just text the paparazzi of: ‘I’ll land there and then I’ll come through that door very casually.’”

But then in full make-up and with all the trimmings, according to Aran. “And then you are ‘accidentally’ recorded on the record. Edwin Smulders has now done that. It’s actually a tactic. There are fourteen photos, but I don’t know if it’s very wise, because they are still discovering each other – as they say themselves.”

Discover along

Leontine and John are now a bit concerned about themselves that, for example, they are being attacked by Yvonne Coldeweijer, Aran thinks. “With such an entire report, we are now talking about it again, everyone is researching that man and we can also discover how that relationship is now blossoming.”

Has this John actually met his predecessor Marco? “John says no. He hadn’t even thought about it yet and that also shows how early this is, doesn’t it? He said, ‘I haven’t thought about it at all.’”


Leontine and John on the Story cover:
