Why does Cornald Maas never take off his shirt at dance parties?

We know Cornald Maas as the controlled culture gentleman of the NPO, but when evening falls he goes wild. Well, relatively speaking. Because why does he never take off his shirt at dance parties?


Cornald Maas has a mischievous side that few people know about him. The presenter reveals in a major interview with Trouw that he regularly visits dance parties where all kinds of ‘guests’ take off their shirts. The figurehead of ‘Opium’ who goes crazy at La Demence on a wild Friday evening? Who could have thought that…

Cornald’s shirt

It all sounds really wild, but what about Cornald? Does he also air his nipples there? No. “I don’t think how you see yourself really changes at the core. Despite the success you achieve, you remain who you once were. I am still that boy who relies on his enthusiasm and verbal activity and is not physically oriented,” he explains in Fidelity.

He continues: “It might be the reason why I never take my shirt off at dance parties, which a lot of the guys do. I would be terribly embarrassed. It’s an old pain: I don’t want to be looked at.”

30 seconds of planking

Well, what a shame. And while Cornald works very hard on his contours. “Since corona I have a personal trainer. I’m always running up and down the stairs and cycling like crazy through the city. Still, I thought at the time: I should start exercising, so that I can worry less about myself and keep my fitness level up.”

When was the last time he was with his personal trainer? “I was with him on Monday, in his physiotherapy practice. He makes me do planks, three times for thirty seconds, that kind of work. I remember thinking after the first time: what am I feeling? Well, that was muscle pain.”


Back to Cornald’s half-minority complex when it comes to his physical constitution: where exactly does that come from? Well, from the refrigerator. “When I was four I got paratyphoid, probably from eating spoiled filet americain. Even after that I always had something. I was small, pockmarked, non-masculine and bad at sports.”

His brother was very athletic. “I often link the fact that I got this way in my head to that time. I already had the strong realization: if I cannot qualify in those areas, I will have to do so in a different way.”


Ah, that’s why Cornald has become so intellectual. Nowadays he is a professor in the field of Eurovision affairs and that might not have happened without that filet americain.

Finally, as we head towards the elections: what does Cornald think of all the TV debates? It’s nothing, he snorts X. “On to the elections at a campaign time when the words ‘art & culture’ have not yet been mentioned. Including by Pieter Omtzigt. nothing to be expected in this regard (yet?).”
